Wyatt is willing to take on a night or 2 a month (either location)
Evin would like to assist at Leesburg
Flyers for volunteer opportunities - Petina?
Mention in Newsletter
Typical Open House questions - spot welder, New members wanting open classes,
Tour Outline hardcopy for the spaces
Tools signage - Petina?
QR codes for tools (usage)
Waitlist conversation
New Member Orientation Instructors
Please consider helping out with this important task.
We have a regular instructor (Saadiq Hasan) but sometimes he needs backup/relief.
If you are interested, please sign up for and attend the regularly scheduled New Member Orientations.
We have 2 new volunteers for this role. Thanks to Petina Money and Jen Barlev
Research contacting NMO registrants to determine class interests.
Vice-Chair Position
Please consider helping out with this important task.
I am looking for someone to help share the load of the Membership Chair.
Requires the ability to commit to some amount of time on an almost daily (or every other day) basis to learn and help manage the operations of this committee
No experience necessary, I am willing to train the right candidate