-Resolution of Appreciation for Pat Scannell who recently resigned as Chairman of Board
Report from Pat
- Youth Maker Innovation Challenge
- What is it?
- What impacts it will have on us?
- When?
- Youth Maker Innovation Challenge
- 52 total members
- 20 bundles / 40 active / 4 Renewal Overdue / 2 Pending New / 9 Renewal Pending
Royal St
- Lease signed / Start July 1st
- Going thru stuff / trash / What to sell
- Sorting good stuff
- Need buyoff from Ted
- Stuff to move from here not going to Royal: robot arm, mill, big table, S.B. lathe
- Will build new tables
- Working Makerspace - Mid to Late July
- Work Days - Wednesdays and Weekends
- Delayed opening due to lack of action from DVP / electricity
- Cleaning up and making improvements
- Have Tee Shirt or Sign from Kickstarter
4th of July
- Mike Fistler is working on a cow train - asked for help and support of members to make a car that makes up train
501(c)3 Status
- We are now a certified non-profit organization - Yea!
New Members - Folks are confused with On-Boarding process, asking for help
Web Site - Folks are not happy with state of web site, asking for change
Board of Directors - Working on elections, pay for classes policy --> up to 50% of fee shared with instructor after membership dues are paid
Policies Needed - Youth / Waivers / iPads for Waivers / iPads
- June 14th - Inspire Loudoun - Maker Fair for Teachers - we have been given / signed up for a table - Mark / Pam / Erin to man table
- Berryville Hamfest - 1st Sunday in August - we will be going and tanking stuff from Royal and Berryville to sell and make money