- Technology Infrastructure Update - Mike or Todd
- Setup a network attached storage device
- Coming up with with policy's
- Hoping to have core makersmiths files in a central location
- Hoping to have a space where everyone can access file remotely and securely
- Want the process to be easy
- Can also run virtual machines
- Currently running DNS and DHCP on a VM on the NAS
- Makersmiths Wild Apricot Update (www.makersmiths.wildapricot.org) - Mark
- Using wild apricot for membership management
- Realize that the front page does not match the colors of the main site
Program Updates
- 501(c)3 application status - Pat of Colleen
- Once tax return is done it can be submitted
- Maker Faire - Booth at March 13th event - Brad or Mike W
- Mike gave update on faire
- BAE Engineers now corporate member sponsors - Pat
- Eddie and Pat
- K2M engineers joining as corporate members - Pat or Mark
- Start showing up any day
New Programs
- Cub scout helps out - Dens looking for sponsor members, ideas for programs to do with cubs
- Hosting "Envision East Market Quadrant" Town of Leesburg Planning/Zoning Meeting morning of April 23rd