- 501(c)3 application status - about to be filled
- Pat
- Colleen
- Matt raised a question about if we can review the content
- Maker Faire - Booth at March 13th
- I will putout a signup sheet for shifts
- Will put up a planning meeting for Sunday or Monday
- Science Fair Judging
- Allon judging for the Maker Award for a student
- Six month membership to the makerspace
- Workshops
- Request for help on Robotics workshop
- April 3rd 1pm wood shop training 5 people
- Discussed boy scout and girl scout meetings
- Possibility of one Sat/Sunday at a set interval that can be used for Kids groups
- T Shirts
- 2015 t-shirts
- Need design for 2016 t shirts
- Corporate Members
- BAE is now corporate member sponsors
- K2M makersmiths lunch and learn for Monday
- What type of mill does K2M need?
- Update on the King street location
- New Members
- Eddie Ferrufino - BAE Corporate Member
- Peter Paguette - BAE Corporate Member - New Board Member
- Aimee Kratts - voted in as a full member
- Todd Reiz Riesz - Voted up as full member
- Joshua Palay - Associate member
- Talked about having open shop hours for associate members
- Elena will get calendar setup having people sign up for shifts
- Matt
- HacDC has participated in the United States Science and Engineering has setup 2 or 3 tables
- Usual cost is 1000-2000
- Requested that makersmiths participant
- Bring promotional materials
- Need people to man the table
- April 16-17th